
Friday, April 9, 2010

Fresh Face Friday

So this is the first week of a multiple Blog Project called Fresh Face Friday, we are co introducing a great new blogger that has under 100 followers.  By sharing a bit on each of our blogs, as if it was a tour.. after you have checked out all our blogs.. we will link you to our new blog "Fresh Face" for a sponsered Giveaway.  Hope you all enjoy.

This week we have the pleasure of introducing Anne from Potter, Percy and I.  She is a newer blogger who currently has under 50 followers, so lets help her out a bit.. 

If Superman was so smart why were his underpants on the outside?
Again.  The odd one out thing.  Either that or he wanted to start a new trend.  I really hope that never catches on.

Why is it that when we KNOW the batteries in a remote are dead, we push the buttons harder?
Because we forgot where all the other batteries are and decide the remote will work, regardless of the batteries.

If a turtle loses its shell is it naked, homeless or both?
Depends on if it's wild or not.  If it's wild, then it's naked and homeless.  If it's a pet, it's just naked.

Find Out More About Anne at Potter, Percy and I.

If you are interested in participating as either a Fresh Face or part of our Blog introductions please email me at Thanks

Other Blogs that are participating:


  1. Great new feature! And I love the questions! Lol, way to go to be original and eye catching! :-D

  2. Thanks! This was StarShadow Blog's Idea and a fantastic one at that! Just need to sort the time difference so that all our posts go on at the same time. I'm a little ahead since I'm in Australia.

  3. This is a great idea, Melissa! Kind of like a "big sis/little sis" for book bloggers!
    Fantastic :D

  4. I really like this, may even take part myself!
