
Sunday, April 11, 2010

In my Mailbox (8)

In My Mailbox is a weekly post created by The Story Siren and inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie!! (This post was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie.)

 Shadow Fae by Erica Hayes

Steal souls.
Live in hell.
Never die.
In a city infested with psychotic fairies and run by sadistic vampire mafiosi, life as a soul-sucking succubus rarely involves lacy lingerie, hot guys or great sex.
Instead, Jade must spend her nights seducing gangsters and murderers, or simpering as a trophy girl for hell's minions.
So when she discovers a forbidden ritual that promises to break hell's thrall and set her free, she's got nothing to lose, even if it involves seducing the four most repellent souls in town.
But when you're cheating hell, there's always a catch...

Cruzito's Mailbox

 Monster's Galore by Trevor Salter
Monsters Galore is the first book in a series and a delightful tale for children all over. Written in rhyme accompanied by colourful illustration Monsters Galore is a fun and imaginative exploration into the world of children's monsters.

 So that's what I got this week.  What's in your mailbox??


  1. Hi Melissa, Stopped by after reading your interview at Bookworming in the 21st Century. Shadow Fae sound like a book I would enjoy.

  2. Shadow Fae is seriously appealing! Love Cruzito's book the covers says to me it's a fun one!

  3. Nice books. I just posted my review of Shadowfae, hope you enjoy it!

  4. Nice books! I see that both you and Cruzito are reading about monsters this week. I have Shadowfae on my stack too. Enjoy! Happy reading!

  5. I hope you enjoyed the books you received this week, happy reading! :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oooh! I look forward to your review on Shadowfae! :) Happy reading! :)
