
Friday, June 11, 2010

Lifeline Bookfest

Hi all. Thank you to Lara at Absolutely Booked for pointing this out to me.

This is for those of you in the Queensland are, to be more specific around Brisbane.  The Lifeline Bookfest is on the 12th (tomorrow) - 15th of June and is the biggest secondhand booksale out.

So if your shopping for some awesome books go check it out.  I'll definitely be there as soon as the doors open tomorrow.

Who else is going?  I might see you there!

You can check out more details at the Lifeline Bookfest website! 

Happy shopping!

P.S By the way, what does everything think of my new signature and post separatr?  Toxin Designs designed it for me.  You can find her button on my blogroll!  She's awesome!


1 comment:

  1. Weee I can't wait, tho I have an exam at 11 so I won't be able to go until after, I hope all the good stuff isn't gone straight away!
