
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Meridian by Amber Kizer

Title:  Meridian
Author:  Amber Kizer
Genre:  Young Adult
Publisher:  Razor Bill
Publication Date:  3 May 2010
Book Length: 305 pages 

Series: Series (Next book out 2011)
First Lines:  The first creatures to seek me were the insects; my parents cleaned the bassinet free of dead ants the morning after they brought me home from the hospital.  My first word was "dead". 

Half-human, half-angel, Meridian Sozu has a dark responsibility.

Sixteen-year-old Meridian has been surrounded by death ever since she can remember. As a child, insects, mice, and salamanders would burrow into her bedclothes and die. At her elementary school, she was blamed for a classmate’s tragic accident. And on her sixteenth birthday, a car crashes in front of her family home—and Meridian’s body explodes in pain.

Before she can fully recover, Meridian is told that she’s a danger to her family and hustled off to her great-aunt’s house in Revelation, Colorado. It’s there that she learns that she is a Fenestra—the half-angel, half-human link between the living and the dead. But Meridian and her sworn protector and love, Tens, face great danger from the Aternocti, a band of dark forces who capture vulnerable souls on the brink of death and cause chaos. 

My Thoughts
This book was another one that Rose from Angus and Robertson bookstore recommended to me and I'd like to say a big THANK YOU!  I just cant believe I have to wait until next year for the sequel for Meridian.  (Meridian Sozu website)

From the moment she is born Meridian has had to deal with death.  Her mornings are spent cleaning up and burying the dead animals that have come to her during the night.  The older she gets, the larger the animal and by her 14th birthday they began to come to her during the day.  At school the kids kept away from her, labeling her a witch etc.  So Meridian has learnt to keep to herself. 

From the very beginning of this book my curiosity was piqued and couldn't believe how quickly the story progresses from the first page.  By page 16 I couldn't help but wonder where it was going and what was going to happen.  While I thought the blurb on the back gave alot away, it also left alot to discover.  

Meridian is a very likable character and I definitely felt for her in the situation she's put in at the beginning.  I couldn't imagine having to do that.  (Vague?  I know. lol but you will get what I mean when you read it)  Tens... sarcastic, aloof and very caring of Auntie.  And there is Custos, caring, very loyal and a much loved character too.

Meridian is an interesting read and left me wanting more.  Most readers should enjoy this


  1. Ooh I'm waiting until after exams to get this one, so I won't be tempted (because I know I'll just rip into it as soon as I get it!). Thanks for the great review =)

    Your profile says your from Brisbane too- are you going to the lifeline bookfest? I'm hoping to grab some YA novels there this time!

  2. I just ordered this one from Amazon, I can't wait to read it!

  3. I love those first few lines... OOoooOOOh - very intriguing.

    Love your review too :)
