
Sunday, September 19, 2010

In My Mailbox (30)

In My Mailbox is a weekly post created by The Story Siren and inspired by Alea of Pop Culture.

For Review:

While I live by John Marsden (Ellie Chronicles #1)
**Follow on from the Tomorrow Series**
Incurable by John Marsden (Ellie Chronicles #2)
Circle of Flight (Ellie Chronicles #3)

Cruzito's Mailbox

Empty this week.

So tell me, what did you get this week???


  1. The Familiars looks so sweet!

    I received The Rosie Black Chronicles, The Sky is Everwhere, The Dressmaker, and some as yet unknown titles that are sitting at the post office!

  2. Ohhhh you got Across the Universe! So jealous. I hope you enjoy all your books! :)

  3. Yay John Marsden! I haven't actually read any of Ellie's books but definitely will in the future.

  4. Enjoy your books :) P.S. I am sooo jealous about Across the Universe! Really, that's so unfair :D

  5. Great selection of books you have and I can't wait to see what you thought of them. Happy reading this week :)

    Here's my In My Mailbox

  6. Great new books!

    I'm totally jealous you got Across the Universe! I read the first chapter and got hooked! Super excited to get my hands on a copy!

    Happy reading!

  7. I've just discovered your blog and I love it :O!!
    I'm your new follower :).
    Great selections. I want to buy Across the universe so I can't wait to read your review about it :).
    Hope you'll have a great week reading those books !

  8. Across the Universe looks soo good, too bad I can't stop singing the song when I think about the book. Looking forward to your review :)

  9. Across The Universe *faints* - I'm looking forward to your review. Happy reading!

  10. I really want to read Across the Universe and Bright Young Things! I hope you enjoy them! I'll be looking for your reviews :)

    Here's what I got this week :)

  11. I can’t wait to hear what you think of Across the Universe. Happy Reading!

  12. I've always wondered if I should read the Ellie chronicles, I'm keen to hear what you think of them.
