
Sunday, October 10, 2010

In My Mailbox (33)

In My Mailbox is a weekly post created by The Story Siren and inspired by Alea of Pop Culture.

For Review

Minder by Kate Kaynak with Stickers
Big thank you for sending this to me.  I can't wait to start reading!
and.. a TB External Hard drive and 2 flash drives lol.
Round 2 of Backups :)
Thats all for this week.
Just an update on the loss of photos.  It may not be as grim as I thought.  Yes my Portable Hard drive was absolutely broken beyond repair, but it looks as if I may not have lost all my baby photos as I thought I had.  It looks like I have actually backed up some of them.  I don't even remember doing it but YAY!!  So on that note I leave you with the latest picture of my little one

So what did you get in your mailbox this week?


  1. Awww... i love his outfit!!!

    As for books... Wicked Appetite is on my read list but I havent heard to many good reviews. I will have to keep it on my mind though because the premise sounds great!=)

    Enjoy your reads!
    Here's my Mailbox

  2. You son is adorable! I would like to get my hands on Minder! lol
    Here's what I got In My Mailbox

  3. Oh your little one is so cute :) I see you're reading To Kill A Warlock.. I loved that book so I hope you're enjoying it. Have a fun week and great mailbox!
    Come by and see my experimental IMMB

  4. Hi I snuck back over to whisper it was $15. Clicking on the title should have opened the post completely up to show what was hiding so I'm not sure what happened? Anyway I fully opened the post up so you can come by again and see how I did if you wanted :)

  5. Ohhhhhhh he is so CUTE!

    Bummer about the portable hardrive, I would be so depressed if I lost my pics too. Happy to hear the Backup worked.

    Can't believe you got Evanovich! WOW!

    Here's your invite to Aisle B :)

  6. What a cute outfit! I see you're reading To Kill A Warlock'. I reviewed that one a few weeks back. I hope you like it :-)

    Stephanie G
    Paranormal Haven

  7. I'm glad to hear that you didn't lose all of your pictures. I have Wicked Appetite on my TBR stack too. I friend is also going to lend me the copy of Minder that she won. My mailboxes are here and here. Happy reading!

  8. I can't wait to read Minder! Anyway, I'm a new follower too. :)

  9. Great post AND cutie picture! My IMM is here:
