
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Once Upon a Time Project G5 Winner

Hey everyone!

How are you all.  So here I am, ready to announce the winner for the very last giveaway for Once Upon A Time and let me tell you, boy was it hard.

The stories entered were interesting and entertaining and it made the job of picking a winner EXTREMELY hard!

So without further ado I shall stop pussy-footing round and get right to it!

The winner of Giveaway 5

I, The Teen
by Kirthi Rao

Congratulations Kirthi, great story!!

Could you please email me the info I need within the next day or so, so I can get your prize underway!!

A Big thank you to everyone who has participated in Once Upon A Time.  I will be putting up posts every so often to let you know the progress of the "UnNamed Book"

Voting is still happening on the covers.  See my sidebar to place your vote

Thank you all, and have a good night!!

Winner of g5