
Sunday, December 19, 2010

In My Mailbox (41) and Photos..

In My Mailbox is a weekly post created by The Story Siren and inspired by Alea of Pop Culture.


In Cruzito's Mailbox
This is technically one of his presents for either Christmas or his birthday.  I haven't worked out which.  I hope he likes it!

So that's all I got for this week!!

I have had an pretty eventful week this week.  If you live in Queensland Australia, you'll know we've had loads of rain so far.  Which is not good for the guys I work with since it's in the Earthworks industry.  Lots of rain means no work for them.  It sucks.

So Thursday we lost power at work and then I got a message from my neighbour telling me there is a tree branch resting on our roof.  There was only gutter damage until my other half took the tree down and broke the gazebo when it fell on it. lol  Talk about bad luck.
Then we were without power up until 11pm that night (not because of the branch though).  Next door had their generators going and were the only ones on the street with their Christmas lights working lol.

My other half got our generator working for a little while, so we were able to watch twenty minutes of tv and play on the internet while the place was still dark but then the generator conked out and the string snapped.  LOL

Testing out my new iphone 4.  The flash kind of went off at the wrong time though.  It's a good picture apart form that.

This dog is definitely living up to her name "Chet" from the books by Spencer Quinn.  She's got the wonky ears (although in the books he's got one black and one white) and she is getting into loads of trouble at my Mum and Dad's place.  Last night she decides to dig a hole around two feet deep for no reason whatsoever then rubbed up the side of Mum and Dad's house and put mud everywhere upstairs.  You can see part of the wall to the right in the picture.
Above is what Chet and Mischief look like clean. 

This picture is from last weekend.  The boys went out fishing and caught this crab which they cooked up and ate. 

And lastly.  Today I was at the bookstore, and while I didn't buy this book I had to have a laugh.  I was told this was a really good too.  The Dragon With The Girl Tattoo


  1. Phew what a week. Hope you are all OK.
    Those crabs look so yummy.
    Happy reading

  2. Wow! Talk about bad luck! Aye! Love the pics. So sweet! I literally laughed out loud at the crab. Too funny!

  3. It's only 7 in the morning where I'm at but that crab looks yummy. What a cutie you have there!

    Stephanie G
    Paranormal Haven

  4. Love the pics and the little squiz at your life. Crappy luck with the tree damage. We sure have had some rain and wild storms in qld ... I'm definitely over the rain and mustiness and hoping for a sunny Christmas.
