
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar

Title: Raw Blue
Author: Kirsty Eagar
Genre: Young Adult
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: 29 June 2009
ISBN: 9780143011453
Stand alone or series: Stand Alone
Pages: 288 pages
Book Received from: Author
First Lines: Friday Morning.  I'm heading down to the break, feeling antsy because I slept in.

The ocean is a vivid emerald colour and the wind ruffles the wave faces so that they shatter the sunlight like glass. Seeing that glittering skin always tightens my throat with joy … I forget about the underbelly of things, my secrets, and I feel easy and free.Carly has dropped out of uni to spend her days surfing and her nights working as a cook in a Manly café. Surfing is the one thing she loves doing ... and the only thing that helps her stop thinking about what happened two years ago.

Then she meets Ryan and Carly has to decide ... Will she let the past bury her? Or can she let go of her anger and shame, and find the courage to be happy?

My Thoughts
I'm completely blown away.  Kirsty just has that secret knack for capturing Australia's natural beauty and really drawing the reader in.   

Raw Blue is such an intense read.  I'm talking about the type that slowly sucks you in and twists your insides as you get to know the characters.  Carly's an avid surfer who is suffering from a traumatic experience.  It's slowly eating her up and the only thing that can take her mind off it is to surf.

There are a number of vividly painted characters throughout the book, especially some that I personally wouldn't want handling my food in a cafe, ever.  Hannah and Danny are definite faves of mine though.  There were parts in the book where I just cracked up laughing at the dialogue of these pair.  It helps to ease up the darker quality the book slips into.

It amazes me how much I actually looked forward to when Carly gets down to the beach.  The description of the water and Carly's reaction to it, really had me wanting to pick up a board and give it a go myself.  The only minor things that would stop me would be a) I can't surf and b) I can't swim.  See.. minor right lol.  It was like her love for the surf really jumped out of the page.

Raw Blue is a brilliantly written story about surfing, the aftermath of a traumatic experience, and Carly's way of dealing with it.  Add a splash of raw Aussie swearing at it's best.  Loved it!

One last thing before I go.  "Go Vaginas"  LOL (P.S You will get this line if you've read the book)


  1. Wonderful review! I also just read and reviewed, and I am still thinking about Carly! I was lucky enough to get a copy in the states, and I really hope Raw Blue is for sale here soon! It's such an important book, one that so many ought to read. It really is beautiful book, isn't it? My favorite read of 2010!

    Oh yes, I loved Hannah! Go Vaginas, indeed!

    -Linds, bibliophile brouhaha
