
Friday, June 17, 2011

Author Interview with Sherry Soule

Spellbound By Books would love to welcome Sherry Soule, Author of the debut novel Beautifully Broken which will be out 30th June 2011

So here goes...

How would you describe Beautifully Broken?

A supernatural romance that blends elements of ghosts, haunted houses, demons, and witches.

What was the easiest and hardest part of writing Beautifully Broken?

I love writing description, so that was the easy part. And I think most writers will agree that dialogue is the HARDEST to write. That is why I am so adamant about listening to your work read aloud. It makes a huge difference in natural sounding conversations between characters.

Was becoming a published author how you expected it to be? Any surprises?

Well, I’m not actually published yet! I was published before about 10 years ago, but the industry has changed so much that now I’m learning as I go.

Where do you do most of your writing?

My workspace is surrounded by books and art. I write in a built-on family room in the house I’m renting. Since it was built without a foundation, I get a lot of creepy-crawlers in this room. Plus there is a forest area behind my house. So far, I’ve had a bat, wolf spider (this spiders are HUGE), salamander, lizard, slugs, black widow spider, and a centipede. These creatures tend to entertain my cat, but totally freak me out. LOL

What routines/quirky habits do you have for when and how you write?

I get up, drink coffee, take a shower and put on clean PJs. When I’m in the “writing zone” I can write for about 10 hours straight (only breaking to use the bathroom or grab a snack), unless I’m stuck on a scene. Then I’ll surf the web, read online poetry, check emails, and play on my blog.

What keeps you writing?

An obsession with the written word that I’ve had since I held my first book in my hands at age seven.

Finish this sentence. ‘When I’m not writing or editing I’m…”

Watching scary movies or catching up on my favorite TV shows saved on my DVR. I watch SUPERNATURAL, Vampire Diaries, TrueBlood, Game of Thrones, and I can’t wait for CW’s new series “The Secret Circle” about witches. Yay!

Any Future projects you would like to share with us?

Just started edits on the sequel to Beautifully Broken, and I’m having a “Pick-a-Title” contest on my blog.

Is there a question you have always wanted to be asked but haven’t? What would your answer be?

Do I think haunted houses are real? YES. Supernatural activity inside homes is said to be mainly associated with violent or tragic events in the building's past such as murder, accidental death, or suicide.

Are there any tips and advice you would like to share with aspiring writers?

I have blog devoted to writers: “Dark Angel Writing Tools” that has tons of advice for writers at any stage in their career, agent and author interviews, and insider publishing secrets.

And last, you’re stuck on a deserted island. Which character from your book would you have with you and why?

Great question! Well, Shiloh or her Aunt Lauren, of course. So they can use their magickal talents to create a boat and get us off the island. Fast!

Thank you Sherry for taking the time to answer a few questions with me!

If you would like to check out more about Sherry Soule and her upcoming novel Beautifully Broken see the websites and book trailer below!!

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