
Friday, September 23, 2011

Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan

Title:  Glow
Author:  Amy Kathleen Ryan
Genre:  Young Adult/Science Fiction
Publisher:  Pan Macmillan  
Publication Date:  1st October 2011 
ISBN:  9781742610320
Stand alone or series:  Book 1 in the Sky Chasers  
Pages:  320 pages 
Book Received from:  Publisher  (Pan Macmillan) Proof Copy
First Lines:  The other ship hung in the sky like a pendant, silver in the ether light cast by the nebula.   


What if you were bound for a new world, about to pledge your life to someone you'd been promised to since birth, and one unexpected violent attack made survival-not love-the issue?
A ship heading for New Earth is halfway through its incredible journey across the galaxy.
On board, sixteen year olds Waverly and Kieran are part of the first generation born in space.
They are in love.
They believe their future is written in the stars.
They have never seen a stranger before...
... until the day they are wrenched apart and suddenly find themselves fighting for their lives.
My Thoughts:
Glow is the first book in the new Sky Chaser's series that's definitely made a strong start.  I'm not sure where to start with this review as there is so much that has been jam packed into this novel.  

Here's to setting the scene.  Two spaceships, one leaving later than the other, are destined for new earth.  They encounter a problem with fertility in both ships but only one had successfully overcome this.  Being a generation out from reaching the new earth, the infertile ship panics and takes matters into their own hands.  That's all I'll say.   This book is broken up into parts that alternate between Waverly and Kieran telling the story.

Amy has done a brilliant job at bringing the reader so close to each character by almost living and breathing their experiences.  Both Kieran and Waverly experience their different share of cruelty and hard times and it definitely changes them big time towards the end.

The story touches on a number of topics including a cult like existence and peer pressure in both ships.  We're shown both good and bad sides of human nature when isolated in a small community and while there are good and bad guys in this story it is very hard to distinguish who is who at times.  I liked the fact that it wasn't black and white but alot of different shades of gray.

Glow was a gripping and full on read for me with great characters, though I do think this is more aimed at the high end of Young Adult/Mature readers.

If you enjoyed reading this an are looking for something similar, Across The Universe by Beth Revis was another good read!