
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Shadowfae by Erica Hayes

Title:  Shadowfae
Author:  Erica Hayes
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: St. Martins Griffin
Publication Date: October 2009
Stand alone or series: Series
Book Length: 267
First Lines:  The dark shape in the bed didn't stir.  I trailed fingers over silken sheets, carpet soft and luxurious beneath my feet.

Imagine a secret world veiled in fairy glamour and brimming with unearthly delights. A city swarming with half-mad fairies, where thieving spriggans rob you blind, beautiful banshees mesmerize you with their song, and big green trolls bust heads at nightclubs. And once you’re in, there’s no escape…

Enslaved by a demon lord, Jade is forced to spend her nights seducing vampire gangsters and shapeshifting thugs.  After two hundred years as a succubus, she burns for freedom and longs to escape her brutal life as a trophy girl for hell’s minions.  Then she meets Rajah, an incubus who touches her heart and intoxicates her senses. Rajah shares the same bleak fate as she, and yearns just as desperately for freedom.  But the only way for Jade to break her bonds is to betray Rajah—and doom the only man she’s ever loved to a lifetime in hell.

My Thoughts
This was really hard to write this review.  I came in wanting to really like this because the author is Australian, but for once, I never read the back blurb all the way through, so when the first steamy scene come along I was shocked at how full on it was.  By the end I think I was pretty de-sensitized to the naughtines.

The one character I really warmed to was Nyx.  He was kind and warm and definitely a good friend for Jade.  I warmed up to Jade about 10 pages in.  I liked her way of thinking but at times I wondered about the decisions she made on a few things.  Rajah was an interesting character.  He was in the same predicament as Jade and it was a tough to work out whether things would work out in the end or not. 

I've never read anything written by Erica Hayes before, and I know I would pick up the next book in this series to find out what happened next, BUT with so many uh.. scenes in this book I found some phrases and words a little repititious and while I understand there are only so many names for ... but I felt that she kept in a comfort zone with her writing.  I'm sorry if this goes into too much detail but it was something that bothered me with Shadowfae

My honest opinion here.  Read it, but borrow from a friend before buying this as it isn't for everyone.


  1. I haven't read this. Great cover though. I like a good steamy lurve session in my books, in fact I get really pissy if there isn't one but when it's the only thing in the book it does get a bit tedious and silly.

    No one does paranormal romance with splashes of hot sex like J.R. Ward :D

  2. Ohh.. I won the 2nd book in this series and am debating about buying the 1st one, but you still left me on the fence here :-)

    Usually I don't mind steamy scenes if 1) they are well written, and 2) have their place in the story.

    Hm.. still undecided.

    ps: the cover of Shadowfae is much more suggestive to the erotic scenes than Shadowglass..

  3. I love steamy books! This one sounds extremely interesting. Not to mention I'm lovin the cover!
