
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday (11)

Waiting On Wednesday was created by Jill over at Breaking The Spine. It's a weekly post for you to share what upcoming books you can't wait for!

This week I've picked The Spook's Nightmare (Book 7) by Joseph Delaney.  This is an awesome series!!  The release date will be the end of May 2010, and ohh mentions of a movie on his author blog.  Totally Stoked.

Possible Spoilers if you haven't read the other six books.

The Spook, Tom and Alice return from Greece to find the County under siege - and the Spook's home is burnt to the ground. With his precious library of knowledge destroyed, they seek refuge on the nearby island of Mona. But with Mona in the thrall of a twisted Shaman there is little respite from hostility or denizens of the dark. And as Alice dodges the ever-tightening net of the island's witch hunters, a more deadly enemy emerges...Bony Lizzie, freshly-escaped from the Spook's bonds, has grand ambitions: to take for herself the throne of isle. She has harnessed the services of a tunnel-dwelling buggane, an evil creature which thrives on stealing the animas, or life force, from its unsuspecting victims. With the buggane as her secret weapon can she become an all-powerful Witch Queen?

Hop you all enjoy


  1. Argh!I have only read the first two but I love the series!Looking forward to reading the rest!

  2. What is it with you and awesome covers! Looks like I need to read this series!

  3. OMG Melissa I love this SERIES!!!!
    I just preordered my copy on Sunday. Can't wait!

  4. If anyone wants a signed first edition copy of The Spook's Nightmare we are taking pre-orders at - these books are excellent gifts and increase in value very quickly!
