
Friday, November 25, 2011

TGIF (5) When You're Not Reading

TGIF is a weekly feature created and hosted by Ginger at GReads! that re-caps the week’s posts and has different question each week.

This Friday's Question:
When You're Not Reading: What occupies your time when you are not reading?

I work full time as a administration assistant at an earthmoving company.  That alone takes up half my time.  If only I could win the lotto and give up work!  I'm also doing Certificate 4 in Business Administration thanks to work.  It sometimes does my head in as well but .. it happens.

When I'm not reading and doing up posts for Spellbound By Books, I'm writing when I can find the chance to.  Being a Mum of a three year old monster, Cruzito, is a full on job in itself so finding uninterrupted time to write is becoming alot harder.  He's got bad eczema too so that requires me to do bandages to try and keep it from getting too bad.

I also need to do the "Quality time" with my other half who seems to believe all I do is read lol.  It's not true.  I swear LOL... okay that wasn't as convincing as I'd hoped it to be.

The newest thing I've decided to get into is photography.  A lady at my work is doing courses and what not and I'd definitely class her as a Professional!  You should see her camera (Which I got to have a play with today at lunch *big grin*.  Thanks to the Pen Ready Project I went out and bought the Olympus Pen e-pm1 and have decided to enter a few photography competitions for fun.  It's easy to get distracted from what I usually love doing.

I do go motorbike riding here and there, but nowhere near as much as I used to.  Wish there were more hours in a day to do everything I wanted!

This Weeks Posts (From Last Friday):

What do you do when your not reading?