
Friday, December 2, 2011

TGIF (6) Writing Reviews 101

TGIF is a weekly feature created and hosted by Ginger at GReads! that re-caps the week’s posts and has different question each week.

This Friday's Question:
Writing Reviews 101: What's your process for writing book reviews? Any tips or suggestions you would recommend to other bloggers?

I don't really have a set process when I'm writing book reviews.  The two things I do use when I'm reading are Goodreads 'Update Status' if I come across lines or dialogue that I like, and a notebook I keep handy for things that irked or intrigued me about the writing and the characters.  I don't usually have a set time that I do the reviews in, but usually within a few days are best since I do read alot.

The one thing I do try to make sure of, is to not spoil anything for anyone who hasn't read the book.  I always add a little note in red if the book is not the first in the series as sometimes reading the plot and my thoughts might ruin the first book.  I do my best never to read the synopsis of a book that's not the first if I've never read the series.  Weird.. I know!

I don't think I've got any particular tips or suggestions.  I guess the best thing I've found works is the Goodreads and a nifty little notebook to write down stuff the stood out for me.  Sometimes you can miss those things and if there is action or a particularly captivating scene later in the book, you may forget what irked you or that special thing and not include it.

Hopefully that's not confusing LOL.

This Weeks Posts (From Last Saturday):

What's your process for writing book reviews?