Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Haze by Paula Weston

Title:  Haze
Author:  Paula Weston
Genre:  Young Adult/Australian
Publisher:  Text Publishing
Publication Date:  22nd May 2013
ISBN:  9781922079923
Stand alone or series:   The Rephaim #2
Pages:  384 pages
Book Received from:  Text Publishing
First Lines:  I almost wish I still had the blood-soaked dream of the nightclub.


"But what if we can’t find Jude?" He leans closer. His breath is warm on my ear. "We will."
"How can you be so sure?" I want to believe him so badly, but this is Rafa. The guy who’s all action and no plan. His smile is tired, knowing. An echo of a shared past I don’t remember.
"Because I’m not smart enough to give up, and you don’t know how to."

Gaby Winters’ nightmares have stopped but she still can’t remember her old life. Still can’t quite believe she is one of the Rephaim—the wingless half-angels who can shift from place to place, country to country, in the blink of an eye. That she was once the Rephaim’s best fighter. That demons exist. That Rafa has stayed.

But most of all, she can’t quite believe that her twin brother, Jude, might be alive.

And Gaby can’t explain the hesitancy that sidetracks the search for him, infuriates Rafa, and sends them, again, into the darkest danger.

My Thoughts:
I'm glad to have a few questions answered from book one Shadows.  But now I've got a few more I didn't have before.

Both Gaby and Rafa are definitely my favourite characters.  I love them all with the exception of Mya who just annoys me to bits (But we have to have characters like these sometimes) but I can see how they all play there part in telling the story.

I hate to say this, as much as I like Jason, he's a bit of a dark horse.  I definitely feel he has some hidden plans.  He's not very forthcoming in information and when he is it's because it's almost forced out of him.  Not being part of the Outcasts or the Sanctuary gives him a unique POV of the whole situation.  Would like to see what is revealed from him in the next book

(Spoiler alert - highlight to reveal)

OMG finally getting Jude back!  He is a big reason I want to read the next book.  He's a definite favourite and the fact he is looking after Gaby (which is unexpected due to their history)and not running back to Mya makes me think this next book is going to a whole new level of awesome!

For me personally I felt like the ending was finished a little abruptly.  Once I got to the end I turned the page and thought there might have been just a little more but there wasn't.  I suppose it just gets me thinking about the predicament they all are in and the need to find out what happens next.


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