TGIF is a weekly feature created and hosted by Ginger at GReads! that re-caps the week’s posts and has different question each week.
This Friday's Question:
Book to Movie: Which book turn movie do you feel did the best adaptation? What about the worst?

My first pick would have to be the Harry Potter series. I actually watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone before I read the book but the moment I saw it, I picked up all the books and read every single one of them. Nothing beats that first film though. All that magic!
The second book to movie that comes to mind that I really enjoyed was Speak by Laurie Anderson. This was one of those movie's that I found was quite true to the book. It also shows how frighteningly easy for things to get quite out of hand!

The last one that comes to mind is.. yes you guessed Twilight. I was very up in the air about the pick for Edward. Somehow I expected something... more! He did end up working out in the end. While this wasn't the best book to movie adaptation, it was okay. I didn't like the added scenes that weren't in the book though.
This Weeks Posts (From Last Saturday):
Which book turn movie do you feel did the best/worst adaptation?