Thursday, March 18, 2010

First Giveaway

I couldn't wait until I reached 100 followers so I've decided to do my Giveaway early!!!
There are two books to give away:  
Gone by Lisa McMann  & Hunger by Michael Grant 

 Final Book in Dream Catcher Series
Janie thought she knew what her future held. And she thought she’d made her peace with it. But she can’t handle dragging Cabel down with her.

She knows he will stay with her, despite what she sees in his dreams. He’s amazing. And she’s a train wreck. Janie sees only one way to give him the life he deserves: She has to disappear. And it’s going to kill them both.

Then a stranger enters her life — and everything unravels. The future Janie once faced now has an ominous twist, and her choices are more dire than she’d ever thought possible. She alone must decide between the lesser of two evils. And time is running out....

2nd Book in Gone Series
It's been three months since everyone under the age of fifteen became trapped in the bubble known as the FAYZ. Things have only gotten worse. Food is running out, and each day more kids are developing supernatural abilities. Soon tension rises between those with powers and those without, and when an unspeakable tragedy occurs, chaos erupts. It's the normals against the mutants, and the battle promises to turn bloody. But something more dangerous lurks. A sinister creature known as the Darkness has begun to call to the survivors in the FAYZ. It needs their powers to sustain its own. When the Darkness calls, someone will answer -- with deadly results.

Need to Know Stuff
  1. You must be a follower to be eligible.
    (To follow look for the avatar pics on my sidebar and click follow)
  2. Winners will be picked and first winner will win Gone by Lisa McMann, Second winner will win Hunger  by Michael Grant.
  3. The Contest will run until 8th April 2010 7:00pm AEST
  4. Winners will be notified by mail and posted on this website.
  5. International Giveaway
Extra Entries can be earned e.g.
Twitter Follower
Blog Follower
Posting Blog badge on sidebar or blog post.

Giveaway is now Finished!!!


  1. Congrats on ALMOST 100 followers! I filled out your form for the giveaway...Thanks for having it!

  2. Congratulations on almost 100 followers! ;-)

  3. Wake was very interesting ... I still have to get around to reading Fade, though ... but I will one of these days, so it would be awesome to win Gone.

    Congratz on 95 followers ... you're so close, hehe!

  4. Congratulations on all the followers!

    By the way, you have two awards on my blog.

  5. Congrats on your followers! As of me writing this you are at 99!! Thanks for the contest!! And I did tweet;)

  6. Great giveaway!! LOOOOOOVE your layout!

  7. heres my tweet:

  8. congrats 100 +

    I follow


  9. Would love to win either. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

    Extra entries:
    Twitter follower
    Blog follower

    Hope I win this one :)



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