Friday, January 28, 2011

Interview with Beth Revis

Spellbound By Books would love to welcome Beth Revis, author of Across The Universe to answer a few questions!

 Beth Revis lives in rural North Carolina with her husband and dog, and believes space is nowhere near the final frontier. Across the Universe is her first novel.

So without further ado..

1. How would you describe Across The Universe?
Short answer: a murder mystery in space!

2. What was the easiest/hardest part of writing Across the Universe?
The easiest part was writing Amy’s opening chapters and Elder’s closing chapters—those just seemed to flow. The hardest part was writing the death of a character whom I’d grown to love rather a lot…

3. Was becoming a published Author how you expected it to be? Any surprises?

It’s been amazing! I’m constantly surprised—especially by how encouraging, wonderful, caring, and open the blogging community is.

4. Where do you do most of your writing?

I do most of my writing on the desk my husband made me or at my local coffee shop. But I do all my revising on my kitchen table—I need to spread out!

5. What routines/quirky habits do you have for when and how you write?

None, really! Give me a laptop and some time, and I’m good to go! When I get stuck, though, I do like to brainstorm with a Sharpie on a legal notepad.

6. What keeps you writing?
I just honestly like telling stories.

7. Finish this sentence. 'When I'm not writing/editing I'm...'

…playing with my dog, Sirius, a big black lab who loves to chase balls.

8. Any future projects you would like to share with us?

I’m currently wrapping up Book 2 and getting ready to start Book 3!

9. Is there a question you have always wanted to be asked but haven't? What would your answer be?

What would you like your last meal to be if you were going to be frozen and sent to a new world? Answer: my granny’s chicken and dumplings.

10. Are there any tips and advice you would like to share with aspiring writers?

Don’t give up. Keep writing. Know that it may very well take more than one book before you’re published. And if you’re given the opportunity to write something or experience something new, go for the experience. You have to experience life before you can write anything.

11. And last, your stuck on a deserted island. Which character from your book would you have with you and why?

Harley! I don’t care if he wouldn’t contribute one whit towards my survival—I like him the best!

I'd like to thank Beth Revis for taking time out to answer my questions.


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