I want to say thanks to Trillian Books for giving me this award!!
My Answers
Your cell phone? iphone
Your hair? outta control
Your mother? Gotta Love her
Your father? He's cool
Your favorite food? Chicken Nuggets (at the moment)
Your dream last night? Weird!
Your favorite drink? Chocolate Milk
Your dream/goal? Published Writer
What room are you in? Dining room
Your hobby? Reading, writing.
Your fear? Snakes!
Where do you want to be in 6 years?Hopefully retired LOL
Where were you last night? Home
Something that you aren't? quiet lol
Wish list item? Win Lotto!
Where did you grow up? Redbank Plains
Last thing you did? Watch cartoons with my son
Your TV? Super cool
Your pets? dog and cat
Friends? Caring
Your mood? Tired
Missing someone? Nope!
Vehicle? Flashy Jeep Patriot
Something you aren't wearing? umm. shoes?
Your favorite store? Anything with books in it
Your favorite color? Blue
When was the last time you laughed? Today
Last time you cried? Few weeks ago
Your best friend? Don't have just one.
One place you go to over and over again? Angus & Robertson Bookstore
Facebook? Love/hate relationship
Favorite place to eat? in front of tv
Here's my list!
- The Fiction Enthusiast
- Raising Itty-Bitty Bookworms
- From The Shadows
- Lily's Bookshelf
- Paper, Pens & Lipgloss

Congrats and thank you so much for passing it to me!