I can't believe it. Spellbound By Books is 1 year old today. That year has literally flown by and I'm amazed and thankful for the friends I've made which include fellow bloggers, readers, authors and publishers.
I started Spellbound By Books mainly to keep track of the books I've read and my thoughts on these but my blog expanded to more than that. I now post book trailers, author interviews, giveaways and more on here. I never would have thought that my blog would have expanded as far as it has and I'm amazed at the amount of people who enjoy reading my blog. Its quite exciting to think that I could help other readers find awesome books to read!
Okay enough rambling. Thank you to some really great Authors we will have some guest posts, giveaways and a sneak peek at their bookshelves so stay tuned.
Also before I forget,

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