Monday, May 31, 2010

Sticky Beak (13)

Sticky Beak's all about sharing.  Sometimes we can't all get around to every single blog and website available so thats very Sticky Beak comes in.  By word of mouth (well you get what I mean) we are more likely to get to those blogs that we wouldn't have normally seen without someone pointing them out to us.

The links could be to your own post, a favourite blog post you would love to share, an author's website/blog, book/writing contests, reviews you really enjoyed, tour info or anything that you would love to share with others.  Just use the comments section for your links!!\

Here's mine:
Book Bloggers To Check Out:
The Book Pushers: This is a fantastic blog and I love their header.
The Tales Compendium: Aussie Book Blogger 
Terra on the Bookshelf: Aussie Book Blogger
Story Wings: Aussie Book Blogger
Ex-Libris:  A Fantastic Book Blog Buddy 
Book-Crazy: Once Upon A Time Project Guest Judge and awesome book blogger
Star Shadow: Once Upon A Time Project Guest Judge and awesome book blogger
Teenage Reader: Another great book blogger :)
Theres A Book:  Sometimes theres a book that can transform a child's world

Misc Stuff
Adventures in Children's Publishing: Two children's writers in search of readers...and the information, market info, insider tidbits, and writing advice they find en route...

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